Science - USA (2022-01-07)

(Antfer) #1




By Moriaki Yasuhara^1 and Curtis A. Deutsch^2


n the ocean, the most powerful forces
of climate change may not be as visu-
ally striking as the storms and wildfires
on land. Yet small changes in seawater
temperature, acidity, or oxygen content
can have substantial impacts on the
marine biota ( 1 ). Some species will relo-
cate, whereas those with limited mobility
will either adapt to the changing condi-
tions or perish ( 2 ). The difference between
these responses across thousands of spe-
cies will determine the structure of eco-
logical communities for centuries to come.
However, the outcomes are notoriously dif-
ficult to detect in sparse and patchy his-
torical data, and even harder to attribute,
without a time machine. On page 101 of
this issue, Salvatteci et al. ( 3 ) document
changes in the abundance of fish verte-
brae, alongside indicators of the physical
and chemical environments, by using sedi-
ments off the west coast of South America
deposited over the past 130,000 years.
The new data provide a window into a
crucial time: the last interglacial period,
when Earth’s climate was warmer than it
is today. The data reveal a propitious place:

a warm tropical region with low oxygen—
properties that synergistically shape spe-
cies physiology and biogeography ( 4 ). The
region’s Humboldt Current also lies at the
heart of the El Niño phenomenon (the pe-
riodic warming of the ocean surface in the
central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean)
whose effect on fish populations was known
to indigenous fishing communities long be-
fore modern scientists formally identified
the phenomenon ( 5 ).
The fossil records obtained by Salvatteci
et al. reveal that the Humboldt Current
during the last interglacial period was not
dominated by the anchovy species that
drive the extraordinary fishery productiv-
ity today. Instead, the most abundant fossils
were of smaller, goby-like fishes. This shift
to smaller species was not accompanied
by changes in the productivity of the area,
so the change was unlikely to be driven by
food supply. Instead, the shift coincides
with indicators of a more extreme oxygen
minimum zone, suggesting that regional O 2
content was lower. Warmer water and lower
O 2 concentration are both factors that can
produce smaller fish sizes, either within a
population or among different taxa as water
properties change ( 6 ). The shift to smaller

fish in a warmer Humboldt Current was
not achieved by an existing species’ adapta-
tion to reach smaller body sizes, but by an
ecological replacement of anchovy with a
dominant species of smaller fishes.
If organismal growth is limited by O 2
concentration in seawater, one may expect
species to adapt by having a smaller size
when fully grown ( 7 ). However, physiolo-
gists have argued that tolerance to lower
environmental O 2 concentration is indepen-
dent of body size both within and among
species and is an evolutionary necessity
for growth in water with limited O 2 avail-
ability ( 8 ). Salvatecci et al. also found that
the size of fossil vertebrae within species
showed no signs of shrinking, which goes
against the prediction for smaller orga-
nism sizes as an intraspecific adaptation
to maintain aerobic balance in a warmer
and lower O 2 environment. However, the
evidence may also be interpreted as a re-
flection of the migratory strategy of more-
mobile species, such as the anchovy ( 9 ).
Among less-mobile species, fossil records
show that body-size reductions within the
taxa often accompany climate warming
( 10 ). Whether the small size of the goby-like
fishes was essential or coincidental, their
interglacial ascendance is crucial to the
interpretation and generalization of the re-
sults. Answering that question will require
more explorations in paleobiology, loaded
with more data on the modern distribution
and physiological traits of fossilized species.
Whether body sizes played a causal or
incidental role in species turnover in the
Humboldt Current, the fossil records add
to the evidence that the community struc-
ture of tropical marine ecosystems responds
strongly to climate across a wide range of
magnitudes and time scales. Species dis-
placements may have a domino effect, with
migrations out of the tropics, because of in-
creasing ocean temperature and/or declining
oxygen concentration, affecting the competi-
tive fitness of extratropical species, which
then propagate toward higher latitudes near
the poles. These changes may increase diver-


Paleobiology provides glimpses of future ocean

Fossil records from tropical oceans predict biodiversity loss in a warmer world

(^1) School of Biological Sciences, Area of Ecology and
Biodiversity, Swire Institute of Marine Science, and State
Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, The University of Hong
Kong, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, Pokfulam Road,
Hong Kong SAR, China.^2 Department of Geosciences and
High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. Email: [email protected]
Cold water
Warm water
Hot water
Coral reef
Sea ice
Past (preindustrial)
Present Future (next centuries)
7 JANUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6576 25
The future of ecosystems in tropical, temperate, and polar oceans
A warming and deoxygenating ocean will make species smaller and push them from the tropical zone to the
temperate zone, from the temperate zone to the polar zone, and from the polar zone to extinction, resulting in a
loss of biodiversity in the tropics and higher biodiversity in higher latitudes. Overexploitation and other direct
human impacts are not considered in this conceptual model.

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