Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1
Chronology by Region 1229

ca. 400 C.E.: The sacred site of Serpent
Mound is created by the Hopewell culture
in present-day Ohio.

ca. 280 C.E.: China is reunifi ed under the
Western Jin Dynasty.
ca. 300–ca. 538: Kofun Period in Japan.
ca. 320: Northern India unifi ed by the
Gupta Dynasty.
ca. 375 C.E.: Stirrups are invented in
ca. 450: The Chinese invent ink, made
from lampblack.


313: Emperor Constantine I of Rome
converts to Christianity and declares it the
offi cial religion of the empire.
330: Foundation of Constantinople by
Emperor Constantine I of Rome.
ca. 360: Invasion of Europe by the Huns.
391: Roman emperor Theodosius I makes
Christianity the sole legal religion of the
Roman Empire.
410: Rome besieged by Visigoths under
the command of Alaric.
ca. 430: Angles and Saxons from
Denmark invade the eastern portion of
Britain; the bubonic plague strikes Europe
for the fi rst time.
455: Vandals sack Rome.
476: The Roman Empire falls when the
last of the Roman emperors in the West,
Romulus Augustus, is deposed and not


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