1232 General Bibliography
Quirke, Stephen, and Jeff rey Spencer. Th e British Museum Book of
Ancient Egypt. New York: Th ames and Hudson, 1992.
Redford, Donald B., ed. Th e Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt.
Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Shaw, Ian, ed. Th e Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford, U.K.:
Oxford University Press, 2000.
Simpson, William Kelly, ed. Th e Literature of Ancient Egypt: An An-
thology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry. New Haven, Conn.,
and London: Yale University Press, 2003.
Aruz, Joan. Art of the First Cities: Th e Th ird Millennium BC from the
Mediterranean to the Indus. New York: Metropolitan Museum
of Art, 2003.
Bertman, Stephen. Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia. New
York: Facts On File, 2003.
Bryce, Trevor. Th e Kingdom of the Hittites. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford
University Press, 2005.
Due, Andrea, and M. Chesi. Th e Atlas of the Bible Lands: History,
Daily Life and Traditions. New York: Peter Bedrick, 2001.
Frankfort, Henri. Th e Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient,
5th ed. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1996.
Kuhrt, Amelie. Th e Ancient Near East, c. 3000–330 bc. London:
Routledge, 1995.
Leick, Gwendolyn. Who’s Who in the Ancient Near East. London:
Routledge, 2002.
Postgate, J. N. Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the
Dawn of History. London: Routledge, 1992.
Potts, D. T. Th e Arabian Gulf in Antiquity. Vol. 1: From Prehistory to the
Fall of the Achaemenid Empire. Vol. 2: From Alexander the Great
to the Coming of Islam. Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon Press, 1990.
Roaf, Michael. Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near
East. Oxford, U.K.: Equinox, 1990.
Snell, Daniel C. Life in the Ancient Near East, 3100–332 bc. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.
Wilkinson, T. J. Archaeological Landscapes of the Near East. Tucson:
University of Arizona Press, 2003.
Auboyer, Jeannine. Daily Life in Ancient India: From 200 bc to 700
ad. Translated by Simon Watson Taylor. London: Phoenix,
Chang, K.C. Art, Myth, and Ritual: Th e Path to Political Author-
ity in Ancient China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1983.
Di Cosmo, Nicola. Ancient China and Its Enemies: Th e Rise of No-
madic Power in East Asian History. Cambridge, U.K.: Cam-
bridge University Press, 2002.
Drège, Jean-Pierre, and Emil Bührer. Th e Silk Road Saga. New York:
Facts On File, 1989.
Habu, Junko. Ancient Jomon of Japan. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge
University Press, 2004.
Higham, Charles F. W. Th e Bronze Age of Southeast Asia. Cam-
bridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Higham, Charles F. W. Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations.
New York: Facts On File, 2004.
Lewis, Mark Edward. Th e Early Chinese Empires: Qin and Han.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007.
Lilley, Ian, ed. Th e Archaeology of Oceania: Australia and the Pacifi c
Islands. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2006.
Loewe, Michael. Everyday Life in Early Imperial China: During the
Han Period, 202 bc–ad 200. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2005.
Loewe, Michael, and Edward L. Shaughnessy, eds. Th e Cambridge
History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to
221 bc. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Possehl, Gregory. Th e Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspec-
tive. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Altamira, 2002.
Sinor, Denis, ed. Th e Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Cam-
bridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Th apar, Romila. Early India: From the Origins to ad 1300. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2002.
Aldhouse-Green, Miranda J. Dying for the Gods: Human Sacrifi ce in
Iron Age and Roman Europe. Stroud, U.K.: Tempus, 2001.
Audouze, Françoise, and Olivier Buchsenschutz. To w n s , Vi l l a g e s ,
and Countryside of Celtic Europe: From the Beginning of the
Second Millennium to the End of the First Century bc. London:
B. T. Batsford, 1992.
Bogucki, Peter, and Pam J. Crabtree. Ancient Europe 8000 b.c.–a.d.
1000: An Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2004.
Castleden, Rodney. Th e Stonehenge People. An Exploration of Life
in Neolithic Britain, 4700–2000 bc. New York: Routledge,
Cunliff e, Barry W. Th e Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe. Ox-
ford, U.K. and New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Cunliff e, Barry W. Th e Ancient Celts. Oxford, U.K. and New York:
Oxford University Press, 1997.
Fowler, Brenda. Iceman: Uncovering the Life and Times of a Pre-
historic Man Found in an Alpine Glacier. New York: Random
House, 2000.
Glob, P. V. Th e Bog People: Iron Age Man Preserved. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University Press, 1969.
Harding, Anthony F. European Societies in the Bronze Age. Cam-
bridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Hedeager, Lotte. Iron-Age Societies: From Tribe to State in Northern
Europe, 500 bc to ad 700. Malden, Mass., and Oxford, U.K.:
Blackwell, 1992.
James, Simon. Th e World of the Celts. London and New York:
Th ames and Hudson, 1993.
Laing, Lloyd Robert. Th e Archaeology of Celtic Britain and Ireland,
c. 400–1200 ad. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press,
Malone, Caroline. Neolithic Britain and Ireland. Stroud, U.K.: Tem-
pus, 2001.
McIntosh, Jane. Handbook to Life in Prehistoric Europe. New York:
Facts On File, 2006.
Moff at, Alistair. Before Scotland: Th e Story of Scotland before His-
tory. London: Th ames and Hudson, 2005.
Piggott, Stuart. Ancient Europe: From the Beginnings of Agriculture
to Classical Antiquity: A Survey. Edinburgh, U.K.: University
Press, 1965.
Scarre, Christopher. Exploring Prehistoric Europe. New York: Ox-
ford University Press, 1998.
Waldman, Carl, and Catherine Mason. Encyclopedia of European
Peoples. New York: Facts On File, 2006.
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