Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1

shoulder bare. In the New Kingdom every color except black
was used for clothing.
Footwear was initially unusual in Egypt. Good ter-
rain and a warm climate made footwear unnecessary. Only
priests wore sandals, which consisted of leather, papyrus,
or wooden soles held on by straps. Th ese sandals gradual-
ly were adopted by the general population. Both men and
women wore the same design. Wealthier people wore more
elaborate sandals with jeweled ornamentation. Children
probably went barefoot.



Th e Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, and Assyrians of the
ancient world had the same consistency in dress over the cen-
turies and the same preference for draped materials as other
ancient peoples. Unlike their contemporaries the Egyptians,
the people of the Near East developed clothing that suited a
range of climates from the cold of high altitudes to the hot,
dry desert regions.

Pair of child’s leather sandals from Th ebes, Egypt, New Kingdom (© Th e Trustees of the British Museum)

clothing and footwear: The Middle East 275
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