Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Truth, greatness, universal order [rita],
    strength, consecration, creative fervor [tapas],
    spiritual exaltation [brahma], the sacrifice,
    support the earth. May this earth, the mistress
    of that which was and shall be, prepare for us a
    broad domain!

  2. Th e earth that has heights, and slopes, and great
    plains, that supports the plants of manifold virtue,
    free from the pressure that comes from the midst
    of men, she shall spread out for us, and fi t herself
    for us!

  3. The earth upon which the sea, and the rivers
    and the waters, upon which food and the tribes
    of men have arisen, upon which this breathing,
    moving life exists, shall afford us precedence in

  4. Th e earth whose are the four regions of space,
    upon which food and the tribes of men have
    arisen, which supports the manifold breathing,
    moving therein, shall aff ord us cattle and other
    possessions also!...

  5. Th e broad earth, which the sleepless gods ever
    attentively guard, shall milk for us precious honey,
    and, moreover, besprinkle us with glory!...

  6. Th y snowy mountain heights, and thy forests, O
    earth, shall be kind to us! Th e brown, the black,
    the red, the multi-colored, the fi rm earth, that
    is protected by Indra, I have settled upon, not
    suppressed, not slain, not wounded.

  7. Into thy middle set us, O earth, and into thy navel,
    into the nourishing strength that has grown up
    from thy body; purify thyself for us! Th e earth is
    the mother, and I the son of the earth; Parganya is
    the father; he, too, shall save us!...

  8. Upon the fi rm, broad earth, the all-begetting
    mother of the plants, that is supported by [divine]
    law, upon her, propitious and kind, may we ever
    pass our lives!...

  9. Agni (fi re) is in the earth, in the plants, the waters
    hold Agni, Agni is in the stones; Agni is within men,
    Agnis [fi res] are within cattle, within horses....

  10. Upon the earth men give to the gods the sacrifi ce,
    they prepared oblation; upon the earth mortal
    men live pleasantly by food. May this earth give us
    breath and life, may she cause me to reach old age!
    23. The fragrance, O earth, that has arisen upon
    thee, which the plants and the waters hold, which
    the Gandharvas and the Apsaras have partaken
    of, with that make me fragrant: not anyone shall
    hate us!...
    25. Th at fragrance of thine which is in men, the
    loveliness and charm that is in male and female,
    that which is in steeds and heroes, that which is in
    the wild animals with trunks [elephants], the luster
    that is in the maiden, O earth, with that do thou
    blend us: not any one shall hate us!
    26. Rock, stone, dust is this earth; this earth is
    supported, held together. To this golden-breasted
    earth I have rendered obeisance.
    27. Th e earth, upon whom the forest-sprung trees ever
    stand fi rm, the all-nourishing, compact earth, do
    we invoke.
    28. Rising or sitting, standing or walking, may we not
    stumble with our right or left foot upon the earth!
    29. To the pure earth I speak, to the ground, the soil
    that has grown through the brahma [spiritual
    exaltation]. Upon thee, that holdest nourishment,
    prosperity, food, and ghee, we would settle down,
    O earth!...
    36. Th y summer, O earth, thy rainy season, thy
    autumn, winter, early spring, and spring; thy
    decreed yearly seasons, thy days and nights shall
    yield us milk....
    42. To the earth upon whom are food, and rice and
    barley, upon whom live these fi ve races of men, to
    the earth, the wife of Parganya, that is fattened by
    rain, be reverence!...
    46. Th e serpent, the scorpion with thirsty fangs, that
    hibernating torpidly lies upon thee; the worm,
    and whatever living thing, O earth, moves in the
    rainy season, shall, when it creeps, not creep upon
    us: with what is auspicious (on thee) be gracious
    to us!...
    52. Th e earth upon whom day and night jointly, black
    and bright, have been decreed, the broad earth
    covered and enveloped with rain, shall kindly place
    us into every pleasant abode!...
    53. Heaven, and earth, and air have here given me
    expanse; Agni, Sûrya, the waters, and all the gods
    together have given me wisdom....

 Hymn to Goddess Earth, ca. 600 b.c.e. 

Asia and the Pacifi c

50 agriculture: primary source documents

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