190. Ibid.
191. MEW XXVII 373 f.
192. Ibid., 375.
- Ibid., 592.
- Ibid., 226.
- MEW XXVII 296.
- Ibid., 314.
- For the references of Marx's correspondence with Dana, see H. Draper,
'Marx, Engels and the New American Cyclopaedia', Etudes de Marxologie (1968).
- The articles have been republished under Marx's name by Allen & Unwin
as recendy as 1971. The back of the book has a quotation from a review
which reads: 'Excellent specimens of that marvellous gift of Marx... of
apprehending clearly the character, the significance and the necessary conse-
quences of great historical events at a time when these events are actually in
the course of taking place.' The author of the quotation is given as Engels.
- MEW, XXVIII 209.
- MEW xxvm 323.
J02. Ibid.
- MEW xix 126.
- C. Dana to Marx, MEW xiv 679.
- See, in general, H. Christman, The American Journalism of Marx and Engels
(New York, 1966).
- See K. Marx, Secret Diplomatic History of Eighteenth Century, ed. L. Hutchison
(London, 1970).
J07. Marx to Lassalle, MEW xxx 547.
- C. Dana to Marx, MEW xiv 679. See further K. Marx and F. Engels, The
Russian Menace to Europe, ed. Blackstock and Hoselitz (London, 1953); K.
Marx and F. Engels, Die Russische Kommune, ed. M. Rubel (Munich, 1972).
- K. Marx, 'The Future of British Rule in India', MESW 1 352.
- For Marx's views on this 'Asiatic' mode of production, see G. Lichtheim,
'Marx and the Asiatic Mode of Production', St Anthony's Papers (1963), and
the literature there referred to.
- See further, Karl Marx on Colonialism and Modernization, ed. S. Avineri (New
York, 1968). The excellent edition, K. Marx and F. Engels, The Collected
Writings in the New York Daily Tribune, ed. Ferguson and O'Neil (New York
1973), contains a wealth of detail on the publishing history.