Stuff Gadget Guide - UK - Issue 5 (2022-01)

(Antfer) #1






truck vibes

Tracks are
better than

Pretty noisy
on max

into things

No more

[ Words

Ross Presly


If you’ve been thinking about getting a robot
to do your vacuuming and you’re a sucker for
the Dyson brand, the Heurist is here for you

Four years after Dyson’s original
360 Eye robot vac launched, and
nearly two years after it went
on sale in China, the 360 Heurist
version finally arrived over here
last spring. Quite why it took so
long to reach the UK we’re not
sure – perhaps it had to pootle
here under its own steam.
Supposedly smarter and with
more memory than the 360 Eye,
it’ll continuously learn about the
space it’s being employed to
clean and keep getting better
at its job. In addition, the digital
motor inside it is 20% suckier and
the brushes are twice as stiff as
on the previous model. But the
bin dimensions stay the same. Ah
well, guess we’ll just be emptying
it more often...
We can’t tell if the new blue
colourway will have an effect
on how well it cleans, but in the
run-up to its delivery we didn’t
vacuum for two weeks and
deliberately ate lots of toast
without plates. Time to find out
if it got all those crumbs.

£800 /

Lights, camera, suction


Let’s get ready to trundle
Tank tracks (2) and a full-width
suction bar at the back mean this
robot actually cleans pretty much
everywhere it goes – there are no
little brushes trying to push debris
in towards a central sucker here.
It gets fairly close to walls, but
you will still need to do your edges
manually every now and then.

Don’t nudge me
Scanning the environment quicker
than Batman’s Nokia, the 360º
fisheye cam at the top (3) takes
a reading every 20ms so it always
knows where it is. They call this
Simultaneous Localisation And
Mapping, or SLAM for the nerds...
but it doesn’t stop it bopping into
things from time to time.

We’ve only dust begun
Definitely more of a monster
truck than a low rider, the Heurist
towers over other robot vacs at
12cm tall (1)... and consequently
struggles to get under some
furniture. Going vertical has other
benefits, though: it’ll squeeze into
tighter corners than many of its
frisbee-like rivals.

Wish it held
more dirt
and filth
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