Stuff Gadget Guide - UK - Issue 5 (2022-01)

(Antfer) #1



■ Kit up and sit up
Zoom works with built-in mics
and speakers, but that doesn’t
always give you good results.
If you use a PC and sit far
from it, invest in a headset.
Even with a mobile device,
a headset can be a good way
to screen out ambient noise.
Also, position your device on
a stand to avoid cramp and the
camera pointing up your nose.

■ Be silent, not deadly
On all platforms, Zoom offers
settings to define key defaults
when you enter a meeting. Our
advice: set it so you always
begin meetings with video
and audio disabled. That
way you’re in control of your
entrance, rather than rocking
up at the precise moment your
kid yells something rude or you
sneeze over the camera.



■ Transport yourself
Not had time to tidy? Fire
up a virtual background and
pretend you’re somewhere
far nicer. Or add your own
custom snap of you looking
at the screen, to make out
you’re paying attention in
your meetings when you’re
not even in the room.

■ Flatter yourself
Feeling old and wrinkly? The
‘Touch up my appearance’
setting removes rough edges,
to the degree it’ll look like
you’ve been ironed. Still, on
the desktop client you can
tame this filter, and also adjust
your video for low light.

It’s a video chat sensation – and the ‘WFH’ boom is for life,

not just for Covid – so Craig Grannell shows how to get the
most from conversing with friends and colleagues on a screen

■ Lonely? Plan it...
People thrive on routine. For
colleagues working remotely,
having a set time on a weekly
basis to just see other people
and chat can boost morale.
But even with friends, setting
up a regular meeting means
people are likely to attend.
It’s far better than the usual
“We should totally set up a
chat at some point” – which
inevitably never happens.

■ Go on the record
The idea of recording your
meetings might whiff of
Orwellian surveillance, but
recordings can be handy for
your own reference and to
share what was said with
someone who couldn’t attend.
Note that if you’re not the
host they’ll need to give you
permission to record, and all
participants are notified when
a recording begins.

■ Pay for today
Zoom’s free tier is generous,
enabling you to have chaotic
video chats with up to 100
people. However, meetings
are short (40 minutes
maximum) and recordings
are local, not cloud-based.
Pay £12 per month and
meetings can last as long
as you like. Too much? You
can always time a month
of premium to coincide with
important events.


I get tweak
Zoom has a lot of
settings, not least when
you head to the website.
They’re worth exploring
in detail, to properly
fine-tune your
personal setup.
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