(Frankie) #1


Characteristics of the soil are computed from






Maximum density is found by plotting a density–moisture curve.

Load-Bearing Test

One of the earliest methods for evaluating the in situdeformability of
coarse-grained soils is the small-scale load-bearing test. Data developed
from these tests have been used to provide a scaling factor to express the set-
tlementof a full-size footing from the settlement  1 of a 1-ft^2 (0.0929-m^2 )
plate. This factor / 1 is given as a function of the width Bof the full-size
bearing plate as


From an elastic half-space solution, Escan be expressed from results of a plate
load test in terms of the ratio of bearing pressure to plate settlement kvas


whererepresents Poisson’s ratio, usually considered to range between
0.30 and 0.40. The Esequation assumes that  1 is derived from a rigid, 1-ft
(0.3048-m)-diameter circular plate and that Bis the equivalent diameter of
the bearing area of a full-scale footing. Empirical formulations, such as the
/ 1 equation, may be significantly in error because of the limited footing-
size range used and the large scatter of the database. Furthermore, considera-
tion is not given to variations in the characteristics and stress history of the
bearing soils.


kv(1^2 ) /4
4 B/(1B)^2


2 B

1 B


% Compaction

100(dry density)
max dry density

Dry density

field density
1 % moisture/100

Field density, lb/ft^3 (kg /m^3 )

weight of soil, lb (kg)
volume of soil, ft^3 (m^3 )

% Moisture

100(weight of moist soilweight of dry soil)
weight of dry soil

weight of sand filling hole, lb (kg)
density of sand, lb/ft^3 (kg/m^3 )

Volume of soil, ft^3 (m^3 )
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