(Frankie) #1
TABLE 2.3 Coefficients for Correcting Values in Table 2.2 for Various Methods of Support and of Loading*

Max relative
deflection under
Max relative max relative safe
Conditions of loading safe load load

Beam supported at ends
Load uniformly distributed over span 1.0 1.0
Load concentrated at center of span 0.80
Two equal loads symmetrically concentrated l/4c
Load increasing uniformly to one end 0.974 0.976
Load increasing uniformly to center 0.96
Load decreasing uniformly to center 1.08
Beam fixed at one end, cantilever
Load uniformly distributed over span 2.40
Load concentrated at end 3.20
Load increasing uniformly to fixed end 1.92
Beam continuous over two supports equidistant from ends
Load uniformly distributed over span
1.If distance a 0.2071l l^2 /4a^2
2.If distance a0.2071l l/(lā€“ 4 a)
3.If distance a0.2071l 5.83
Two equal loads concentrated at ends l/4a

*llength of beam; cdistance from support to nearest concentrated load; adistance from support to end of beam.

(^3)  8
(^1)  4
(^3)  2
(^1)  2

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