Use of wild fish and other aquatic
organisms as feed in aquaculture
- a review of practices and
implications in Africa and the Near
T. Hecht and C.L.W. Jones
Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science
Rhodes University, Grahamstown
South Africa
Hecht, T. and Jones, C.L.W. 2009. Use of wild fish and other aquatic organisms as feed
in aquaculture – a review of practices and implications in Africa and the Near East.
In M.R. Hasan and M. Halwart (eds). Fish as feed inputs for aquaculture: practices,
sustainability and implications. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper.
No. 518. Rome, FAO. pp. 129–157.
Summary 130
- Introduction 132
- Overview of aquaculture in Africa and the Near East 132
- Status on and trends in the use of fisheries resources as inputs in
the animal feed industry in Africa and the Near East
- Sustainability issues of reduction fisheries 144
- Environmental impacts of aquaculture in Africa and the Near East
that result primarily from reduction fisheries as feed inputs 146 - Current and potential alternative uses of fish and the related
macro-level impact on food security and poverty alleviation 148 - Regional issues on the use of fish and/or other aquatic species as
feed for aquaculture 150 - Conclusions and recommendations 151
References 152
Appendix 157