Fish as feed inputs for aquaculture: practices, sustainability and implications

(Romina) #1

Wild fish and other aquatic organisms as feed in aquaculture in Europe 213

Seabass and seabream
aquaculture has developed more
recently and the production of
both species groups has tripled
over the last decade, reaching
around 80 000 tonnes and 97
000 tonnes, respectively, in 2005
(Figures 2 and 4, Table 1). Based
mainly in Greece, Turkey and
Italy, seabass farming expanded
rapidly in the late 1990s but has
steadied since 2000. Seabream
farming, principally of the gilthead
seabream (Sparus aurata), also
showed a brief plateau in the early
2000s but continues to increase,
largely due to the rapid growth of
Turkish production. Both species
groups are mainly farmed in sea
cages in sheltered areas,
although land-based
units are also used in
France and Spain. Italy
traditionally used the
“vallicoltura”^4 system
but has also moved
towards intensive
production in land-
based operations and
marine cage farms.
Without tidal flushing,
cage-farm units in the
Mediterranean Sea
tend to be smaller than
salmon cage farms in
the Atlantic.
The production
of other marine
fish such as turbot,
halibut and cod is
increasing steadily as
technical constraints
are overcome (Figures
2 and 4, Table 1).
Turbot and Dover
sole (Solea solea) are
mostly produced in
land-based farms on
the Atlantic coasts
of Spain and France,
while cod, halibut and

(^4) Traditional extensive lagoon-based fish culture
Atlantic salmon and trout production in Europe, 1999–2005
300 000
350 000
400 000
450 000
500 000
550 000
600 000
650 000
700 000
750 000
800 000
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Production (tonnes)
Atlantic salmon^ Trout (all species)
Marine finfish production in Europe, 1996–2005
20 000
40 000
60 000
80 000
100 000
120 000
140 000
160 000
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Production (tonnes)
Seabass Seabream
2 000
4 000
6 000
8 000
10 000
12 000
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Production (tonnes)
Halibut Tu rbo t Cod Eels

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