George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

Communists, like Masaryk, or that I might be imprisoned for revisionism or

More than 2 million Cambodians out of an estimated total population of slightly more
than 7 million perished under the Khmer Rouge; according to some estimates, the
genocide killed 32% of the total population. [fn 15] The United States and Red China,
acting together under the Kissinger "China card" policy, had liquidated one Cambodian
government, destroyed the fabric of civil society in the country, ousted a pro-US
government, and installed a new regime they knew to be genocidal in its intentions. For
Kissinger, it was the exemplification of the new US strategic doctrine contaied in NSSM

  1. For George Bush, it was the fulfillment of his family's fanatically held belief in the
    need for genocide to prevent the more prolific, but inferior races of the earth, in this case
    those with yellow skins, from "out-breeding" the imperial Anglo-Saxon racial stock. In
    addition to opportunities to promote genocide, Bush's tenure in Beijing presented him
    with numerous occasions to exploit public office for the private gain of financiers and
    businessmen who were a part of his network.

Meeting of the Monsters

In September, 1975, as Ford was preparing for a year-end visit to China, Kissinger
organized a Presidential reception at the White House for a delegation from the Beijing
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. This was the first high-level
trade delegation to come to the United States from China. The meeting was carefully
choreographed by Kissinger and Scowcroft. The Ford Library has preserved a
supplementary memo to Scowcroft, at that time the NSC chief, from Richard H. Solomon
of the NSC staff, which reads as follows: "Regarding the President's meeting with the
Chinese trade group, State has called me requesting that Ambassador Bush and
[Kissinger henchman] Phil Habib attend the meeting. You will recall having approved
Bush's sitting in on the President's meeting with the Congressional delegation that
recently returned from China. Hence, Bush will be floating around the White House at
this period of time anyway. I personally think it would be useful to have Bush and Habib
sit in. The Cabinet Room should be able to hold them. Win Lord is someone else who
might be invited." This meeting was eventually held on September 8, 1975. A little
earlier Bush en route to Washington, had sent a hand-written note to Scowcroft dated
August 29, 1975. This missive urged Scowcroft to grant a request from Codel Anderson,
who had just completed a visit to China complete with a meeting with Deng Xiao-ping, to
be allowed to report back to Ford personally. These were the type of contacts which later
paid off for Bush's cronies. During 1977, Bush returned to China as a private citizen,
taking with him his former Zapata business partner, J. Hugh Liedtke. In January, 1978,
Liedtke was on hand when the Chinese oil minister was Bush's guest for dinner at his
home in Houston. In May, 1978, Liedtke and Pennzoil were at the top of the Chinese
government's list of US oil firms competing to be accorded contracts for drilling in
China. Then, in the late summer of 1978, J. Hugh Liedtke of Pennzoil made another trip
to China, during which he was allowed to view geological studies which had previously
been held as state secrets by Beijing. Pennzoil was in the lead for a contract to begin
offshore drilling in the South China sea. [fn 16] Kissinger made four visits to Beijing

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