George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1
success in scaring off a major shipper fit well into its mining strategy.... The mother ship used in
the mining operation is described by sources as a private chartered vessel with a configuration
similar to an oil-field service and towing ship with a long, flat stern section where helicopters
could land....^

The reader may have already surmised that Vice President Bush (with his background in
oilfield service '' and his control of a top-level committee of the National Security
Council '') sat in his Washington office and planned these brilliant schemes. But such a
guess is probably incorrect--it is off by about 800 miles. On Jupiter Island, Florida, where
the Bush family has had a seasonal residence for the past several decades (see Chapter 4)
is the headquarters of Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. (CSA).@s1@s4

This company describes itself as an environmental consulting firm specializing in applied marine science and technology ... founded in 1970.... The main office ... is located in Jupiter, Florida, approximately 75 miles north of Miami. '' CSA has Offshore
and Onshore divisions. '' It lists among its clients Exxon Company, U.S.A.; Military
Sealift Command; Pennzoil Company; U.S. Department of Defense/Army Corps of
Engineers; and other oil companies and government agencies. CSA's main advertised
concern is with underwater engineering, often involving oil or nuclear facilities. It has
many classified '' projects. It employs the world's most sophisticated subsurface vehicles and monitoring equipment. The founder and chief executive of CSA is Robert
Stretch '' Stevens. A former lieutenant commander in naval special operations, Stevens
has been a close associate of CIA officer Theodore Shackley, and of Bush agent Felix
Rodriguez since the early 1960s, when Stevens served as a boat captain in the invasion of
Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, and through the Vietnam War. During the period 1982-85, CSA
was contracted by the U.S. intelligence community, including the CIA, to carry out
coastal and on-the-ground reconnaissance and logistical support work in the eastern
Mediterranean in support of the U.S. Marine deployment into Lebanon; and coastal
mapping and reconnaissance of the Caribbean island of Grenada prior to the October
1983 U.S. military action. Beginning in approximately the autumn of 1983, CSA was
employed to design and execute a program for the mining of several Nicaraguan harbors.
After the U.S. Senate restricted such activities to non-U.S. personnel only, CSA trained Latin American nationals '' at a facility located on El Bravo Island off the eastern coast of Nicaragua. Acta Non Verba (Deeds Not Words) is a subsidiary '' of CSA, incorporated
in 1986 and located at the identical Jupiter address. Rudy Enders, the head of the CIA's
paramilitary section--and deployed by George Bush aide Donald Gregg--is a minority
owner of Acta Non Verba (ANV). ANV's own tough-talking promotional literature says
that it concentrates on counter-terrorist activities in the maritime environment. '' A very high-level retired CIA officer, whose private interview was used in preparation for this book, described this Fish Farm '' in the following more realistic terms: Assassination operations and training company controlled by Ted Shackley, under the cover of a private corporation with a regular board of directors, stockholders, etc., located in Florida. They covertly bring in Haitian and Southeast Asian boat people as recruits, as well as Koreans, Cubans, and Americans. They hire out assassinations and intelligence services to governments, corporations, and individuals, and also use them for covering or implementing `Fish Farm' projects/activities. '' The upshot of the attack from Jupiter--the mining of Nicaragua's harbors--was that the Congress got angry enough to pass the

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