George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

the ``public diplomacy'' of Project Democracy to back these efforts; and
counterintelligence against other government agencies and against domestic opponents of
the policy.@s4@s9

January 28, 1986:

George Bush met with Oliver North and FDN Contra Political Director Adolfo Calero in
the Old Executive Office Building.@s5@s0 North and Calero would work together to
protect George Bush when the Contra supply effort blew apart in October 1986.

January 31, 1986:

Iranian arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi was told by a French arms agent that `` [a]n assistant
of the vice president's going to be in Germany ... and the indication is very clear that the
transaction can go forward '' referring to George Bush's supposed approval of the private
arms sale to Iran.@s5@s1

February 6, 1986:

Responding to the January 15 letter from Richard Brenneke, Bush aide Lt. Col. E.
Douglas Menarczik wrote to Brenneke: `` The U.S. government will not permit or
participate in the provision of war materiel to Iran and will prosecute any such efforts by
U.S. citizens to the fullest extent of the law. 1''@s5@s2

February 7, 1986: Samuel M. Evans, a representative of Saudi and Israeli arms
dealers, told Cyrus Hashemi that `` [t]he green light now finally has been given
[for the private sale of arms to Iran], that Bush is in favor, Shultz against, but
nevertheless they are willing to proceed. ''@s5@s3
February 25, 1986:

Richard Brenneke wrote again to Bush's office, to Lt. Col. Menarczik, documenting a
secret project for U.S. arms sales to Iran going on since 1984.

Brenneke later said publicly that early in 1986, he called Menarczik to warn that he had
learned that the U.S. planned to buy weapons for the Contras with money from Iran arms
sales. Menarczik reportedly said, We will look into it. '' Menarczik claimed not to have any specific recollection of telephone conversations with '' Brenneke.@s5@s4

Late February, 1986:

Vice President George Bush issued the public report of his Terrorism Task Force. In his
introduction to the report, Bush asserted: `` Our Task Force was briefed by more than 25
government agencies ... traveled to embassies and military commands throughout the
world.... Our conclusion: ... We firmly oppose terrorism in all forms and wherever it
takes place.... We will make no concessions to terrorists. ''@s5@s5

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