George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Ann) #1

Craig Fuller
Don Gregg
Sam Watson


Staff photographer. [i.e. internal-use photographs, no media coverage]@s6@s3

May 1, 1986:

Vice President Bush and his staff met in the White House with Felix Rodriguez, Oliver
North, financier Nicholas Brady, and the new U.S. ambassador to El Salvador, Edwin

At this meeting it was decided that `` private citizen '' Felix Rodriguez would continue his
work in Central America.@s6@s4

May 16, 1986:

George Bush met with President Reagan, and with cabinet members and other officials in
the full National Security Planning Group. They discussed the urgent need to raise more
money for the Contras to continue the anti-Sandinista war.

The participants decided to seek support for the Contras from nations (third countries '') which were not directly involved in the Central American conflict. As a result of this initiative, George Bush's former business partners, the Sultan of Brunei, donated $10 million to the Contras. But after being deposited in secret Swiss bank accounts, the money was lost. ''@s6@s5

May 20, 1986:

George Bush met with Felix Rodriguez and El Salvador Air Force commander Gen. Juan
Rafael Bustillo at a large reception in Miami on Cuban independence day.@s6@s6

May 29, 1986:

George Bush, President Reagan, Donald Regan and John Poindexter met to hear from
McFarlane and North on their latest arms-for- hostages negotiations with Iranian officials
and Amiram Nir in Teheran, Iran. The two reported their arrangement with the Khomeini
regime to establish a secure covert communications network between the two `` enemy ''

July 10, 1986:

Eugene Hasenfus, whose successful parachute landing would explode the Iran-Contra
scandal into world headlines three months later, flew from Miami to El Salvador. He had
just been hired to work for `` Southern Air Transport, '' a CIA front company for which

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