Wir sehen Ihrer Stellungnahme/Ihrem diesbezüglichen Schreiben
gern entgegen.
We look forward to (hearing) your view/(receiving) your letter on this
Wir sehen Ihrer werten Bestellung gern entgegen.
We look forward to receiving your valued order.
If the letter has provided information, weiter*helfen (lit. ‘to help further’) may well be
used, as well as, less commonly nowadays, the verb dienen (lit. ‘to serve’):
Wir hoffen Ihnen damit weitergeholfen zu haben.
We hope this will have helped you.
Wir hoffen Ihnen hiermit gedient zu haben.
We hope to have been of help to you.
Ich hoffe Ihnen damit wenigstens etwas dienen zu können.
I hope this has been of at least some help to you.
See 19.6 (p. 28) for verbs taking the dative; see 42.3f (p. 115) for verb completion by
infinitive clause with zu; see also 8.7 (p. 13) for word order.
(c) Enclosures
If something is enclosed with the letter, bei*legen or bei*liegen (followed by the
dative) is likely to be used:
Einen adressierten Rückumschlag haben wir diesem Brief beigelegt.
We enclose an addressed envelope with this letter.
Ein internationaler Antwortschein liegt diesem Brief bei.
An international reply coupon is enclosed with this letter.
See 42.3a–b (pp. 109–12) for verb completion with the dative, and verb completion with
the accusative and dative.
Anbei erhalten Sie mein Manuskript.
My manuscript is enclosed.
At the end of the letter, following the signature, the word Anlage(n) or the
abbreviation Anl. denotes ‘enclosures’ (‘Enc.’). This may be accompanied in the body
of the letter by:
In der Anlage finden Sie eine Kopie des Briefes.
A copy of the letter is enclosed.
A request such as the following will be made if receipt has to be acknowledged:
Bitte bestätigen Sie den Empfang des Paketes.
Please acknowledge receipt of the parcel.
(d) Signing off
The standard closure to a business or formal letter is:
Mit (vielen) freundlichen Grüßen
Yours sincerely/faithfully