dürfen (forms) 35.2, 39.3; meaning 35.6,
86.1; in polite questions and suggestions
91.3e; nicht dürfen 35.7, 89.1;
permission 97
dürfte 39.3
duty 86.2b, c
Dutzend 21.5
duzen 25.6b, 60.1c
eating 63; see also food and drink; eating out see
restaurant/café; enjoying the taste 115.4;
hunger and thirst 63.1; offering sb. to
invite them for a meal/drink/ice cream in
a restaurant 63.1b; saying one has had
enough to eat 112.5
eben 117.1c
effect 82; causing danger 82.2b; different
effects 82.3; general causes 82.2a; having
an effect 82.3; having consequences 82.3c;
linking cause and effect 82.1; tracing
events back to their causes 82.4
effort 87.3
egal 106
eigentlich 39.3d, 85.2b, 113.3c, 119.6a
ein – ein – eine 22
einer – eins – eine as pronouns 31.3
ein words 24.2
ein-declension 45.1
ein paar + zero-declension 46.2
einen 22.3, 31.4
einige + zero-declension 46.3
einiges 10.5; einiges, was 10.5
empathy see sympathy
emphasis and word order 15
emphasizing the importance of a task 92.2
encouraging 82.2c
end of a process 76.9
endlich 50.1, 112.1
engagement 74.9e
enjoyment 115
enough 112.4–5
entgegen 19.4
entstehen 78.2
enttäuschen 113.3
- er ending 47.1, 48.1, 48.6e, 51.1
erkennen 101.1
errands 77.5; 92.1
es: as dummy subject 15.1, 42.3, 77.3; es as
subject of verbs 19.7; es + passive 40.2c; es- verb + dat. 19.7; es wird + past participle
- verb + dat. 19.7; es wird + past participle
- es gen. ending 28.1e
es geht (es ginge) 39.7b, 94.2, 97.1; es geht um
42.3h; wie geht’s 60.5; see also gehen
es gibt (es gäbe) 39.7b, 69.1–3
es handelt sich um (+ acc.) 42.3h
Eszett (ß) 59.3, 59.6d
‘eternal’ truths 34.2b, 76.11
etliche + zero-declension 46.4
etwas 10.5; + zero-declension 46.3
events: before and after 81.13; frequency 81.14;
simultaneous events 81.12; taking place
eventually 81.9
evidence 83.1
existing 69; being consumed or exhausted
70.4f; being dismantled/demolished
70.4b; being out-dated/obsolete 70.4e;
cancelled or failing to happen 70.5;
having been abolished or eradicated
70.4c; having ceased to exist 70.4; having
disappeared without a trace 70.4a;
having gone away 70.4d; lack and
shortage 70.3; negating existence 70.1;
presence 69.1
explaining: an action 79.5; events 76.1e;
procedures 76.1f; processes 76.1b, c;
purpose 79.8; reasons 79.1–2, 79.4; things
extended adjective constructions 49, 58.1
extension of deadline 81.15e
facts 34.2b, 76.11, 84.4, 69–78
family 74.8, 78.3–4; ancestry 78.4d;
relationships 74.9; status 74.9f
fearing 111.3h
feelings see also moods; feel like 115.7;
frustration 111.3i; sharing feelings
fehlen 63.4c, 70.2
feminine 25
fillers 116, 121.3
final position 15.2
finally (schließlich) 76.9, 121.3a
finally (endlich) 50.1, 112.1
finished consumables 72.2
finite verb 5.1, 6.1
first/initial position 15.1
fitting and matching 75.3
flexible word order 15, see also satisfying needs
and demands 112.2
folgende + zero declension 46.4
folgendes 10.5
folglich 83.2