A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


It is evident that the very same event, which by
its certainty would produce grief or joy, gives
always rise to fear or hope, when only proba-
ble and uncertain. In order, therefore, to under-
stand the reason why this circumstance makes
such a considerable difference, we must reflect
on what I have already advanced in the preced-
ing book concerning the nature of probability.

Probability arises from an opposition of con-
trary chances or causes, by which the mind is
not allowed to fix on either side, but is inces-
santly tost from one to another, and at one mo-
ment is determined to consider an object as
existent, and at another moment as the con-
trary. The imagination or understanding, call
it which you please, fluctuates betwixt the op-
posite views; and though perhaps it may be of-
tener turned to the one side than the other, it

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