A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ciples were counter-ballanced by very strong
considerations of interest; when we observed,
that all restitution would by that means be
prevented, and every violence be authorized
and protected. And though the same motives
may seem to have force, with regard to pub-
lic authority, yet they are opposed by a con-
trary interest; which consists in the preserva-
tion of peace, and the avoiding of all changes,
which, however they may be easily produced
in private affairs, are unavoidably attended
with bloodshed and confusion, where the pub-
lic is interested.

Any one, who finding the impossibility of
accounting for the right of the present posses-
sor, by any received system of ethics, should re-
solve to deny absolutely that right, and assert,
that it is not authorized by morality, would be

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