A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


to the empire? The election of the senate was
a mere form, which always followed the choice
of the legions; and these were almost always
divided in the different provinces, and nothing
but the sword was able to terminate the dif-
ference. It was by the sword, therefore, that
every emperor acquired, as well as defended
his right; and we must either say, that all the
known world, for so many ages, had no gov-
ernment, and owed no allegiance to any one,
or must allow, that the right of the stronger, in
public affairs, is to be received as legitimate,
and authorized by morality, when not opposed
by any other title.

The right of conquest may be considered as
a third source of the title of sovereigns. This
right resembles very much that of present pos-
session; but has rather a superior force, be-

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