A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


ful; and decide all controversies, which may
arise on that subject. This may not only happen
with regard to supreme power; but it is possi-
ble, even in some constitutions, where the leg-
islative authority is not lodged in one person,
that there may be a magistrate so eminent and
powerful, as to oblige the laws to keep silence
in this particular. Nor would this silence be an
effect only of their respect, but also of their pru-
dence; since it is certain, that in the vast vari-
ety of circumstances, which occur in all gov-
ernments, an exercise of power, in so great a
magistrate, may at one time be beneficial to
the public, which at another time would be
pernicious and tyrannical. But notwithstand-
ing this silence of the laws in limited monar-
chies, it is certain, that the people still retain
the right of resistance; since it is impossible,
even in the most despotic governments, to de-

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