A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


fore, that, beside the infamy attending such li-
cences, there should be some preceding back-
wardness or dread, which may prevent their
first approaches, and may give the female sex
a repugnance to all expressions, and postures,
and liberties, that have an immediate relation
to that enjoyment.

Such would be the reasonings of our specu-
lative philosopher: But I am persuaded, that if
he had not a perfect knowledge of human na-
ture, he would be apt to regard them as mere
chimerical speculations, and would consider
the infamy attending infidelity, and backward-
ness to all its approaches, as principles that
were rather to be wished than hoped for in
the world. For what means, would he say, of
persuading mankind, that the transgressions
of conjugal duty are more infamous than any

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