A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


But being equally conformable to our calm and
general principles, it is said to have an equal
authority over our reason, and to command
our judgment and opinion. We blame equally
a bad action, which we read of in history, with
one performed in our neighbourhood the other
day: The meaning of which is, that we know
from reflection, that the former action would
excite as strong sentiments of disapprobation
as the latter, were it placed in the same posi-

I now proceed to the second remarkable cir-
cumstance, which I proposed to take notice
of. Where a person is possessed of a charac-
ter, that in its natural tendency is beneficial to
society, we esteem him virtuous, and are de-
lighted with the view of his character, even
though particular accidents prevent its opera-

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