A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


goes beyond its just bounds, it loses the first ad-
vantage, and even becomes prejudicial; which
is the reason why we condemn an extrava-
gant pride and ambition, however regulated by
the decorums of good-breeding and politeness.
But as such a passion is still agreeable, and con-
veys an elevated and sublime sensation to the
person, who is actuated by it, the sympathy
with that satisfaction diminishes considerably
the blame, which naturally attends its danger-
ous influence on his conduct and behaviour.
Accordingly we may observe, that an excessive
courage and magnanimity, especially when it
displays itself under the frowns of fortune, con-
tributes in a great measure, to the character of
a hero, and will render a person the admiration
of posterity; at the same time, that it ruins his
affairs, and leads him into dangers and diffi-
culties, with which otherwise he would never

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