A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


the subsistence of self, under a change of sub-
stance? If they be distinct, what is the differ-
ence betwixt them? For my part, I have a no-
tion of neither, when conceived distinct from
particular perceptions.

Philosophers begin to be reconciled to the
principle, that we have no idea of external
substance, distinct from the ideas of particu-
lar qualities. This must pave the way for a like
principle with regard to the mind, that we have
no notion of it, distinct from the particular per-

So far I seem to be attended with sufficient
evidence. But having thus loosened all our
particular perceptions, when I proceed to ex-
plain the principle of connexion, which binds
them together, and makes us attribute to them
a real simplicity and identity; I am sensible,

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