A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


purpose? It is certain we must have an idea of
every matter of fact, which we believe. It is cer-
tain, that this idea arises only from a relation
to a present impression. It is certain, that the
belief super-adds nothing to the idea, but only
changes our manner of conceiving it, and ren-
ders it more strong and lively. The present con-
clusion concerning the influence of relation is
the immediate consequence of all these steps;
and every step appears to me sure end infal-
lible. There enters nothing into this operation
of the mind but a present impression, a lively
idea, and a relation or association in the fancy
betwixt the impression and idea; so that there
can be no suspicion of mistake.

In order to put this whole affair in a fuller
light, let us consider it as a question in natu-
ral philosophy, which we must determine by

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