A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


As resemblance, when conjoined with cau-
sation, fortifies our reasonings; so the want of
it in any very great degree is able almost en-
tirely to destroy them. Of this there is a remark-
able instance in the universal carelessness and
stupidity of men with regard to a future state,
where they show as obstinate an incredulity, as
they do a blind credulity on other occasions.
There is not indeed a more ample matter of
wonder to the studious, and of regret to the pi-
ous man, than to observe the negligence of the
bulk of mankind concerning their approaching
condition; and it is with reason, that many em-
inent theologians have not scrupled to affirm,
that though the vulgar have no formal prin-
ciples of infidelity, yet they are really infidels
in their hearts, and have nothing like what we
can call a belief of the eternal duration of their
souls. For let us consider on the one hand what

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