A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


pride, except by means of that transition above-

There are some, that discover a vanity of an
opposite kind, and affect to depreciate their
own country, in comparison of those, to which
they have travelled. These persons find, when
they are at home, and surrounded with their
countrymen, that the strong relation betwixt
them and their own nation is shared with so
many, that it is in a manner lost to them;
whereas their distant relation to a foreign coun-
try, which is formed by their having seen it and
lived in it, is augmented by their considering
how few there are who have done the same.
For this reason they always admire the beauty,
utility and rarity of what is abroad, above what
is at home.

Since we can be vain of a country, climate or
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