A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


founded on unquestionable examination.

There are few persons, that are satisfyed
with their own character, or genius, or fortune,
who are nor desirous of shewing themselves to
the world, and of acquiring the love and appro-
bation of mankind. Now it is evident, that the
very same qualities and circumstances, which
are the causes of pride or self-esteem, are also
the causes of vanity or the desire of reputation;
and that we always put to view those partic-
ulars with which in ourselves we are best sat-
isfyed. But if love and esteem were not pro-
duced by the same qualities as pride, accord-
ing as these qualities are related to ourselves
or others, this method of proceeding would be
very absurd, nor coued men expect a corre-
spondence in the sentiments of every other per-
son, with those themselves have entertained.

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