A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


and love, and that betwixt humility and hatred
form a new connexion, and may be considered
as the other two sides of the square. Upon the
whole, pride is connected with humility, love
with hatred, by their objects or ideas: Pride
with love, humility with hatred, by their sen-
sations or impressions.

I say then, that nothing can produce any of
these passions without bearing it a double re-
lation, viz, of ideas to the object of the passion,
and of sensation to the passion itself. This we
must prove by our experiments. First Exper-
iment. To proceed with the greater order in
these experiments, let us first suppose, that be-
ing placed in the situation above-mentioned,
viz, in company with some other person, there
is an object presented, that has no relation ei-
ther of impressions or ideas to any of these pas-

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