A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


not the passion on some other object, that bears
either of us a closer relation, my emotions are
rather to be considerd as the overflowings of an
elevate or humane disposition, than as an es-
tablished passion. The case is the same where
the object produces uneasiness.

Fourth Experiment. Having found, that nei-
ther an object without any relation of ideas
or impressions, nor an object, that has only
one relation, can ever cause pride or humil-
ity, love or hatred; reason alone may convince
us, without any farther experiment, that what-
ever has a double relation must necessarily ex-
cite these passions; since it is evident they must
have some cause. But to leave as little room
for doubt as possible, let us renew our experi-
ments, and see whether the event in this case
answers our expectation. I choose an object,

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