A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


side. In spite of the difficulty of passing from
the idea of great to that of little, a passion di-
rected to the former, produces always a similar
passion towards the latter; when the great and
little are related together. The idea of the ser-
vant conveys our thought most readily to the
master; but the hatred or love of the master
produces with greater facility anger or good-
will to the servant. The strongest passion in
this case takes the precedence; and the addition
of the weaker making no considerable change
on the disposition, the passage is by that means
rendered more easy and natural betwixt them.

As in the foregoing experiment we found,
that a relation of ideas, which, by any particu-
lar circumstance, ceases to produce its usual ef-
fect of facilitating the transition of ideas, ceases
likewise to operate on the passions; so in the

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