A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


perfectly known, and I have used all imagin-
able caution in forming conclusions concern-
ing them, I have always hoped to keep clear
of those contradictions, which have attended
every other system. Accordingly the difficulty,
which I have at present in my eye, is nowise
contrary to my system; but only departs a little
from that simplicity, which has been hitherto
its principal force and beauty.

The passions of love and hatred are al-
ways followed by, or rather conjoined with
benevolence and anger. It is this conjunc-
tion, which chiefly distinguishes these affec-
tions from pride and humility. For pride and
humility are pure emotions in the soul, unat-
tended with any desire, and not immediately
exciting us to action. But love and hatred are
not compleated within themselves, nor rest in

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