54. Visits to the shaiks will reveal you the way
5,5. According to the signs in view, this is the
last era [of the world]
5~. 0 God, keep us in peace for the blowing of
the Trumpet has come nigh.'
sj. SIN said, 'The couch of this world has no comfort
5,8. Whoever rests on it shall finally falloff it
5,9. Surely no living creature shall live forever
6'0. Whoever ponders on the conditions of this
world shall not sleep
6,1. The ritual prostration in the prayer
addressed to God has been described in
the Quranic verse.'
6,2. SHIN said, 'We shall be called to an assembly
6~. The great Holy Law sets the confines for
the Day of Resurrection
64. You shall be asked to declare what you have
done of good and evil
6~. Full of regrets shall be those who are
doomed on that Day
6~. The man who is misled by Satan shall have
no merits.'
67. SAD said, 'This world has never been admirable
6~. Fragrant prosperity and sweet food be obtained cannot
69. The man who is led to the evil path by Satan
shall never renounce it
70. The Angel [of Death] will not make any noise
when he comes
11. 0 meditate on the creation of God and increase
your patience.'
72. J!A.Q said, '0 Prophet, be our guarantor
7~. 0 Prophet, as you travelled in the arid land,
the udder of one of its sheep became full milk of