(Chris Devlin) #1
16.7 •

Text 16

Thls poem, which is composed by an anonymous poetess; is

addressed to trAW1.:.> as the mother of the human race. The

poetess regards I;I1'i.W1P as a s ain t and seeks her in tercess ion

on behalf of all Muslim worren.

  1. Hooyooy hortaa rna jirinoo, hooyooy hortaa ma aan

.2. 00 haybadleeyay hortaa, hooyc lays rna odhan

3. Hindaay Xaawaay hutkeed xariireey, hadhgalkeedu hooy

j anna

.4. Horgeeddiyaay halaw gabal, ayaannu haayirraa

  1. 00 Xaawo teeri dheereey, Xaawaay ha naga tegin
    .6. 00 Xaawo teeri dheereey, Xaawaay ha naga tegin
    .7. 00 Xaawo teeri dheereey, Xaawaay ha naga tegin

Mother JIA.WA?

1.' 0 mother I was not before you, 0 mother I did not

extst before you

j. 0 graceful one, the word 'mother' was never said
before you
.3. 0 HAWA;) 111110 is [as beautiful as the] Indian women, and
wh6se clothes are of silk; your place of rest will be

in the abode of Paradise

4.^0 gUlde of those on the trek, in He the set emptlness Ol'.t on a of journey sunset
5 • 0 t)AWAJ, the stately one,^0 IjI\ Wi\C) do not abandon us
6.^0 [;IAWA:J , the stately on8,^0 t~AKjP do not abandon us
7 •^0 I,IJ\ WAJ the stately onc,^0 1;iA.l1iA,) do r;ot abandon us

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