(Chris Devlin) #1

  1. Cumdihii Muslinkee, Bebbe caabudayow
    2'1. Qiiradii cilmiga, kii ku qaayo fog ow

  2. Qaaddigii Muslinkeenu, u qayshan jirow

l3. Kulankii Muuminkee, kansi noo furayow

24. Liibaantii Muslinkee, laabta noo furayow

  1. Malabkii cishqigeen, ka mabsuudi jirow
    l6. Nisbatul-badrigii, diinta nuurin jirow

  2. Weligaan qabsanee, waaga noo bariyow

  3. Haybadii Muslinkeen, hilinkiis marrow

  4. Lalabaadka Quraan, kii ku layli jirow
    3d. Yaab kastoon maqalo, kaan ku yaaci jirow

  5. Yaa Ilaahi bil welii, yasir xaajatanaa

  6. Salli Rabbi calaa, Sayidil bashari

  7. Wa aalihi wa asxaabihi, wa sadaat Alquraysh

Sheekh Cabdisa]aam Xaaji Jaamac

.1. Peace be upon my shaikh, Cabdisalaa~
.2. 0 faithful one whom we have chosen as OUT leader
.3. 0 king whom we have chose~ as our hope


~. 0 rich one whom we have chosen, and who offered us help

.5. 0 master of the land who has bestowed peace upon us

6. 0 radiant jewel whom we have loved

  1. 0 office of the Muslims who set justice aflame

~. 0 refuge of the believers who has been much blessed

.9. 0 cure of the Muslims radiating over the land

io. 0 you who were zealous in the Remembrance of the Lord
1.1. 0 mercy of the Lord bestowed on the peo?le

  1. 0 rain that has come for us, 0 you who have satisfied us

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