(Chris Devlin) #1


2~. Greed said, '0 listen to me Pride, you who have spoken
the words of good counsel
2~. You know very well that I shall never sacrifice food

  1. Already on the night when I was born, I was nursed
    with milk

28. Now that I have grown older, I shall not stop [feasting]

  1. So, do not keep [the food] away from me anymore, but
    pass it on to me.


  1. 0 Greed, listen to me, disaster has flashed before you
    [like lightning luring you with the promise of rain]

  2. If you satisfy your hunger now, tomorrow, you may
    fail to find sustenance

3~. A poor man is not trusted merely on account of .his


3.:3. Wherever they are, the leaders of a community are not

taken [for hospitality] to the homestead of a poor man

  1. If you finish your provisions now, you will despair


  1. I am Greed, 0 Pride, listen to me and do not upset me
    i6. I shall not give up eating the slaughtered meat - even
    the birds of prey do not leave it alone

  2. I am in league with those who say, 'It is not give good gifts to

3~. I will put a curse on the man thing who deprives that I want me of to any-eat

  1. I should not put on clothes if I had nothing to eat

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