powex .. Of the three examples given below the first is
applied to God, the second to the Prophet and the third
to Sheekh Suufi:
Badda iyo berriga la balaadhshay iyo, buuraha
qotoma boqor waw Iaah
God is the king of the wide lands and seas and
of the upright mountains
(Text 10/15)
Boqor Quray?h laga dhashoo, uunka lagu bayiniyow
o king who was born into the QURAYSH and whose
mercy spread onto all creatures
(Text 11/9)
Boqor Awliyoo balada dabciyoo, bishaareeya kii
u baaqanayow
o king of the saints who alleviates hardships;
o harbinger of good news to those who invoke
(Text 19/2)
Images Drawn from Other Sources
Although images taken from the natural environment and
the traditional culture represent a vast majority, those
which belong to other spheres of experience are sometimes
also found in the Sufi poetry in Somali. Thus for example,
a crown serves as an image symbolizing power and glory even
though Somali traditional rulers never wore crowns made of
precious metal: