(Chris Devlin) #1


Annotated Glossary of Islamic Terms

AUADITH: p.l. of tLA.DITH, the tradi tional sayings of the Prophet.
AL-ASiYlA.:l AL-tIUSNA: the beautiful names of God, the at tr i but es
of the Divine Being.
AL-~IIJAB: veil; in Sufism, an obstacle to spiri tual knowledge

such as prIde or attachment to wealth and prestige.

ASH-SHAHADAH: the Muslim profession of the Faith. Iii Sufism,

it sums up all levels of the knowledge of the Unity of
AWL IYA:) : saints; holy men; friends of God.
BAQA:l: in Sufism this terms designates existence beyond all
form:. abiding in Go&.

BARAKAr-I: blessing; Divine Grace.

BAST: the expansion of the soul through spiritual joy.
DHIKR: the rite of Remembrance which is practiced by the Sufis.

DHIKRU 'LLAH: the Remembrance of God, see above.

FAN.A.:l: extinction; the state of dissolution of individual
ego in the Infini ty of Go·d.
GHAFLAH: heedlessness, negligence.

!;fADRAH: the sacred dance which is performed by the Sufis; the

state of· Divine Presence in contemplation.

IJAZAH: initiating licence; permission to follow and practice

the teachings of a Sufi Orde~.

IMAM: model: the shaikh who leads the prayer; head of a

religious community.

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