5 •
- Text 4. o God, Save Me
- Text '5 Religious Advice
- Text 6 0 God, the Glorious One
- Text 7 0 Lord
- II. Poems in Praise of the Prophet
- Text 8 0 Most Gracious of
- Text 9. 0 Prophet All Creatures
- Text 10. Softener [of the Heart]
- Text 11. The Perfect Prophet
- Text 12. The Light of God
- I tr Poems in Praise of the Saints
- Text 13., Daughter of the Prophet
- Text 14. Wife of cALI
- Text 15. ijAWA;:> was Saying
- Text 16. Mother I;IAWAo
- Text 17. Crown of Saints
- Text 18. Sheekh Barkhad1e
- Text 19. Sheekh Suufi
- Text io. Sheekh Cabdisalaam Xaaji Jaamac
- IV. Poems with Miscellaneous Inspirational Themes Text 21. Sheekh Cali Cabdiraxmaan^186 -~.
- Text 2,3 Pride and Greed Text 22. Alif Said^191 v
- Text i4. The Story
- Text 2.5 Astonishment and Wonder
- V. Conspectus of Themes