Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

wholly Allah's, and that Allah is severe in requiting (evil)! (2:165) And wherefore did you not
say, when you entered your garden: "It is as Allah has pleased; there is no power save in
Allah"? (18:39)

As regarding `Ad [9] , they were unjustly proud in the land, and they said: "Who is mightier

than we are?" Did they not see that Allah Who created them is mightier than them, and that
they denied Our signs? (41:15)

When we discern the previously quoted glorious verses, we will find the Attribute "al-
Qawiyy" existing in 8:52 and 40:22 as the One Who is severe in requiting evil. Seven times
has the Attribute "al-Qawiyy" been combined with the Attribute "al-`Azeez"; strength is not
suited except for those who are honourable. Might is accompanied by severity.

The root word, matana, connotes solidness with expansion and extension. It may be applied
to a solid rock, or to a distance traversed. Al-Mateen is al-Qawiyy, the Strong One, Who can
do whatever He pleases, Who does not need an army to enforce His authority. He needs no
help, nor supporters, nor assistants. Rest your hope on none besides Him. Al-Mateen is the
One Whose Might is perfect; nothing in the heavens nor on earth can stand in His way. He is
Allah Who affects His will, Whose Might is eternal; He affects everything yet nothing can
affect Him.

  1. "Al-Waliyy"

Allah has said, "Allah is the Guardian (al-Waliyy) of those who believe" (Qura'n, 2:257). Al-
Waliyy connotes closeness, nearness, one who may be an ally, a neighbor, a guardian, a
relative, etc. It also means the supporter, the beloved one.

Allah has said, "Allah is the Guardian of those who believe" (Qura'n, 2:257). Quoting Yousuf,
He has said, "You are my Guardian in this life and in the life hereafter" (Qura'n, 12:101).
Quoting the believers, He has said, "You are our Patron; so, help us against the unbelieving
people" (Qura'n, 2:286), and, "Then are they sent back to Allah, their Master, the True
One" (Qura'n, 6:62). He has also said, "That is so because Allah is the Protector of those who
believe, and because the unbelievers shall have no protector" (Qura'n, 47:11).

Allah is the Guardian of His servants. A good servant of Allah is also a friend of His. The
Exalted One has said, "Surely the friends of Allah shall have no fear, nor shall they
grieve" (Qura'n, 10:62). The word "waliyy" simultaneously conveys the meanings of a master
and a slave, a supporter, a neighbor, a cousin, an ally, a guardian... The common denominator
in the meaning of all these connotations is nearness. A "waliyy" is one who is near to
someone else physically and figuratively. The Almighty has said, "Awla laka fa
awla" (Qura'n, 75:34): Nearer to you (is the destruction) and nearer, a clear warning meaning:
"It (destruction) has come close to you, and that against which I have warned you has almost

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