Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

said, "And most surely We bring to life, and We cause death, and We are the heirs" (Qura'n,

What Allah's servants used to own will go back to Him; there is no partner with Him. Al-
Warith is the One to Whom all possessions will go back after the death of their "owners." He
will be the One Who will call on that Day, the Day of Judgment, as in 40:16, "To whom does
the kingdom belong this Day?" and He will be the One Who will answer by saying, "To
Allah, the One, The Subduer (of all)" (Qura'n, 40:16)." Most people mistakenly think that
they have possessions which are their own, but the reality of the matter will be unfolded
before their eyes on that Day. This call represents a fact which will then be revealed to

Reference to the subject of heritage as applied to the Almighty occurs in some Qura'nic verses
such as the following:

And most surely We bring to life and cause death, and We are the heirs. (15:23) Surely We
inherit the earth and all those on it and to Us shall they all be returned. (19:40) And We
desired to bestow a favour upon those who were deemed weak in the land and make them the
Imams and make them the heirs. (28:5) Lord! Do not leave me alone, and You are the best of
inheritors. (21:89)

The Messenger of Allah used to supplicate saying, "Lord! I plead to You to grant me the
enjoyment of my hearing and vision, and to make them my heirs."

  1. "Al-Rasheed"

Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala has said, And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then
surely I am very near: I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me; therefore,
they should answer My call and believe in Me so that they will be rightly guided. (2:186)

The Attribute "al-Rasheed" is derived from Rushd, its root word, which means: guidance,
righteousness, and uprightness, the antithesis of straying and crookedness. Its derivation
accepts two possibilities: one is al-Rasheed, which means the same as al-Rashid, the Wise
One, so Wise is He that there is nothing among His deeds that can be regarded as wasteful or
wrong. The other is that it may mean the same as al-Badee`, and Allah's irshad, that is, His
leading His servants to the right path, is due to His hidaya, guidance. Al-Rasheed is the One
Whose management of all affairs achieves its objectives without anyone else besides Him
directing or assisting it, Who is none but Allah, Glory to Him. Al-Rasheed pleases whoever
He wills by providing him with His guidance, making whoever He wills miserable by
distancing him from His guidance. He is the One in Whose management there is no lapse, and
in Whose assessment there is no fault.

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