Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

up so that I may get you out of your jail." The man asked the youth how he could get out
since the doors were all locked, but the youth ordered him for the second time to stand up. He
walked with the young man till he got out of town, then he said to him, "Recite: `Surely my
Lord is benignant to whomsoever He pleases; surely He is the Knowing, the Wise" (Qura'n,

  1. "Al-Khabeer"

The Most Exalted One has said, "Vision does not comprehend Him, while He comprehends
all vision, and He knows the subtleties, and He is the Aware" (Qura'n, 6:103).

Al-Khabeer is one of the Attributes of Allah, and it means: the One Who knows everything
and from Whose knowledge nothing at all escapes. He knows the essence of everything and is
acquainted with the truth in its regard. Al-Khabeer is familiar with the most intricate matters;
He knows the ailment and its remedy.

Al-Khabeer knows the innermost of everything; nothing takes place in His domain without
His knowledge; no atom moves nor stands still, nor a soul is upset or eased, except that He
knows about it. He is the One from Whose knowledge nothing in the earth or in the heavens is
hidden; nothing moves in the heavens or in the earth except that He knows about its final
resting point or destination.

Scholars have distinguished between al-Khabeer and al-`Aleem. The first connotes
knowledge, but when knowledge is applied to hidden matters, it is then called khibra, and the
One Who knows it is called al-Khabeer.

The Almighty has said, "What?! Do you think that you will be left alone while Allah has not
yet ascertained those of you who have struggled hard and have not taken anyone as an
adherent besides Allah and His Prophet and the believers?! Allah is Aware of all what you
do" (Qura'n, 9:16). Anyone who has a certain need about which he likes to ask Allah for
something should recite the verse saying "Does He not know, the One Who created?! He
knows the subtleties, and He is the Aware" (Qura'n, 67:14) repeatedly till he falls asleep.

  1. "Al-Haleem"

Allah has said, "... certainly Allah has pardoned them; surely Allah is Forgiving,
Forbearing" (Qura'n, 3:155).

"Al-Haleem" is an Attribute of the Almighty derived from the root word hilm which means:
taking the time to do something. It also means care, attention, and sensibility. Allah's hilm is
His postponement of chastising those who deserve to be chastised, so He delays the penalty of
some of those who deserve it. After that, He may penalize them or overlook their faults. Or

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