Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

"High" and "low" may be applied both to tangible as well as intangible things. As regarding
the tangible ones, the Arsh (Throne) is said to be higher than the Kursi (the Seat of Authority), and the heavens is higher than the earth. Such words are applied only to tangible things, things which have dimensions. Since the Almighty is above having dimensions, His being al-Aliyy is above being as such.

The One Who is al-`Aliyy is above being conceived by any intellect, and Whose Attributes
are too great to be described. He is the One in Whose Greatness minds are puzzled, and in
trying to realize His Essence the intellects fall short.

Among the good manners adorning a believer are: humbleness and submissiveness before the
Glory of the Almighty. It is only then that He exalts his status. Al-Qushayri has reported
saying that Allah inspired Moses to go near a mountain so that He would address him. Every
mountain there vied with the others in the hope of being the one near which such a divine
address would take place. Mount Sinai thought very humbly of itself saying, "Since when do I
deserve the honour of being the site worthy of the status of Moses when addressed by his
Lord?" For this reason, Allah inspired Moses to go near Mount Sinai due to the latter's

According to Al-Asma' wal sifat, where a qudsi tradition is quoted, the Messenger of Allah
heard during the Night of Isra (the night journey to Jerusalem) a praising in the high heavens
saying: Subhan al-Aliyy al-Ala, Subnahu wa Taala, that is, "Glory to the Most High, Glory to Him and Exaltation." Iyas ibn Salmah has quoted his father saying that he had heard the Messenger of Allah starting every supplication by saying, "Subhana al-Ala al-Wahhab,"
"Glory to the Most High, the ever-Giving."

  1. "Al-Kabeer"

We read the following in the Holy Qura'n: "They shall say: What is it that your Lord said?
They shall say: The truth. And He is the Most High, the Great" (Qura'n, 34:23).

Linguistically, one who is kabeer is a great person, a dignitary, a distinguished personality.
Allah, Glorified and Exalted is His Name, is greater than everything and everyone, and He is
the Absolutely Great One, the One Who is Great on His own merits, in His qualities and
Essence, above being in any way like any of His creatures; "There is nothing like Him," the
One Who is superior to the praise of any of those who praise, glorify, or attempt to describe
Him. He is the most perfect of anything in existence, the One Who has all the Glory, the
Greatness, the Honour and the Sublimity. He is above what the beings He has created
conceive Him to be. He is too Great to be described or His actions to be comprehended. The
Almighty has said,

He is the High, the Great. (40:12)Proclaim His greatness magnifying (Him). (17:111) And

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