The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
Why the Crusades Were Called

grims (whos e pilgr images they block ed). After they crush ed the Byzan-
tines at Manzikert in 1071 and took the Byzantine emperor Romanus IV
Diogenes prisoner, all of Asia Minor was open to them, and their advance
was vir tua lly uns top pab le. In 107 6, the y con que red Syr ia; in 107 7,
Jerusalem. The Seljuk emir A.Mizbin Uwaq promised not to harm the
inhabitants of Jerusalem, but oncehis men had entered the city, they mur-
dere d thre e thou sand peopl e.' The Selj uks estab lish ed the sulta nate of
Rum(Rome, referring to the New Rome, Constantinople) in Nicaea that
same year. perilously close to Constantinople itself; from there they con-
tinued to threaten the Byzantinesandharass the Christians all over their
New domains.
The Christian empire of Byzantium, which before Islam's wars of con-
que st had rul ed ove r a vas t exp ans e inc lud ing sou the rn Ita ly, Nor th
Afri ca, the Mid dle East , and Arab ia, was red uced to lit tle more tha n
Gree ce, it looked as if its death at the hands of the Seljuks was imminent,
he Church of Constantinople considered the popes schismatic and had
squabbled with them for centuries, but the new emperor Alexius I Com
menus (1031-1110, swallowed his pride and appealed for help. And that is
how the First Crusade carne about: It was a response to the Byzantine
Emperor's call for help,

PC Myth: The Crusades were an early
Exampleofthe West predatory imperialism

•Predat oryimperialism? Hardly. Pope Urban II, who called for the First

Crusade at the Council of Clermont in 1095, was calling for a
defensiveaction—one that was long overdue. As he explaine d, he was
calling for the Crusad e becaus e without any defensi ve action , "the
faithf ul of God will be much more widely attacked" by the Turks and other
forces.After admonishing his flock to keep peace among themselves, he
turned their attention to the East:
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