The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
The politically Incorrect Guide toIslam(and the Crusades

comfort with the Franj [Franks, orCrusaders—may God pre-
ser ve the mfro mtem pta tio n!The ir dwe lli ngsbel ong to the m
arid all their property is unmolested. All the regions controlled
by the Fra nj in Syr ia aresub je ct to thi s sa me sys te m: the
lan ded dom ain s, vil lag es, and far ms hav e re mai ned in the
hands of the Muslims, Now, doubt invests the heart of a great
numb er of thes e men when they comp are thei r lot to that of
their brothers living in Muslim territor y. Indeed, the latter suf-
fer from the injustice of their coreligionist s, whereas the Franj
act with equity."
So much for the contenti on that the Crusaders were barbaria ns

attacking a far superior and more advanced civilization.

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