The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusade!
The Muslims were in Europe to stay, and in
th e en su in g ye ar s th ey re su me d th e ji ha d.
Wit h Eur ope dis uni ted and dis tra cte d, the y
wer e abl e tosei ze eve r lar ger tra cts of Eur o-
pean lan d: Gre ece .Bu lga ria ,Ser bia , Mac edo-
nia, Alba nia, Croa tia, and mor e. On Jun e 15.
13 89rthe y en ga ge d Chr is ti anfor ces in bat tle
at Kosovo. On the night before the battle, the
gr an d vi zi er op en ed th e Ko ra n at ra nd om
s eek in g in sp ir at io n. Hi s ey es fe ll up on th e
ver se th at sai d, "Oh Pr oph et, fig ht the hy p-
oc ri te s an d unb el ie ve rs ." "T he se Ch ris ti an
dogs areunbelieversand hypocrites," Hesaid..
"Wefight them."'
Fight them he did, and prevailed against a
stronger, largerforce, making June 15 a day of
mourning for Serbs ever after.
The advance into Eastern Europe was just
beginning—arguably, it was the shortsighted-
ness of JohnVIthat had opened the door, What
did John know about the motives and goals of the Turks? Howaware was he of the

jihad imperat ive that led them to accept his reques t for help andthen, once in Europe,
continue warfare against the Christians? Perhaps hethought that the theology and legal

superstr ucture of jihad was just theory.and in real ity Muslimsweremen with whom
one cou ld bar gai n. He migh t have thought that sophisticated men could reach an

understanding acrosscult ural and reli giou s divi des. He migh t even have thou ght that
his invitati on to the Musl imswoul d sho whis good will , winn ing overthei r hear tand

minds and stopping the assault against imperial domains.

He woul d not have been the firs t Euro pean stat esma n to thin k so, orthe last.

vs. Jesus
"Thehouris coming
when whoever kills
you will think he is offering service
to God:
Jesus (John 16:2)
'Fightthose whobelieve not in Allah nor
theLastDay, nor hold that forbidden which
hath been forbiddenby Allah andHis Mes-
senger. nor acknowledge the religion of
Truth, even if they are of the People of the
Book [Jews andChristians], until they pay
theJizya with willing submission, andfeel
themselves subdued."
Qur'an 9:29
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