The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1

what Ifthe Crusades Had Never Happened?

increasi nglystrain ed,until in 424 the Church of the East finally declared
ina synod that its leader , the Catholi cos of Seleuci a-Ctesip hon (the Per-
sian capit al), was not subje ct to the churc hes of Rome or Antio ch, and
was equal to them in authority. Later, the Assyrians adopted the view of
Chri st arti cula ted by Nest oriu s, patr iarc h of Cons tant inop le, who had
been deposed as a heretic by the third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus in

  1. This further alienated the Assyrians from both Byzantine and Latin
    Christians. After 424, the Assyrians had little or no contact with the great
    Churches of Constantinople and Rome for centuries.
    During those centuries, theAssyriansproved to be some of themost
    energeticmissionaries Christianity has ever known. At one point in time,
    the Nestorian Church stretched all the way from the Mediterranean
    to the Pacific Ocean. Nestorian Christians could be found all across
    CentralAsia aswellasin the Byzantine Empire, and particularly in the
    MiddleEast and Egypt, At their height, the Assyrians hadmetropolitan
    sees inAzerbai jan, Syria, Jerusa lem, Beijing , Tibet, India, Samarka nd,
    Edessa, andArabia (at Sane in Yemen), as wellaschurches from Aden
    to Bimbayand Shanghai. The Nestorian missionary Alopen took the
    Gospel into China in 635; the firs t churc h in China was compl eted
    thre e years late r. by the eigh th centu ry, there were enou gh Nesto rians
    in China to establishseveral dioceses there; one Chinese emperor called
    Christianity "the luminous doctrine" and fostered its growth.
    Howe ver, stor m clo uds were form ing on the hori zon. Lat ein the seve nth
    century, the caliphMuawiyaII(683-684)began a persecution and
    destro ye d ma ny ch ur ch es af te r th e Ca th ol ic os re fu se d hi s de ma nd fo r
    go ld .The persecut ion continued under the caliph Abd al-Malik(685-705).
    TheAb ba si d ca li ph al-Ma nd i (7 75-78 6) not ic ed th at th e Ass yri ans ha d
    bu il tnew churches since the Muslim conquest, in violation of dhimmi
    laws; he ord ere d the m des tro yed. He app are ntl y tho ugh t tha t the Chr ist ian s
    had violated the terms of the dhimma, thecontract of protection; five
    thousandChristians in Syria were given the choice of conversion to Islam

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