The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
CAIR hoar d chai rmanOmar Ahmad said this to a Musl im audi ence in1998:
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to my other faith, but to becomedomin ant. The
Koran shoul d be the highe st autho rity in Americ a andIsl am th e on ly
ac ce pt ed re li gi on on ear th ,' Ah mad ha s si nce th en cl aime d that he was
misq uote d, but the repo rter who hear d him stan dsby her story." CAIR
spokes man Ibrahim I cooper was almostasforthr ightas Ahmed, tellin g the
Minnea polisStar Tribune :"I wouldn' t want tocreatethe impr ess ion tha t I
woul dn' t lik e the govern ment of the Unit ed Sta tes to be Isla mic: - sometime
in the future. But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to
do it through education.'
Through education, not violence, you say, Mr. Hooper? Thank you
everyone feels better now.
Khomeini in Dearborn and Dallas
In November 2004, Muslims in Dearborn. Michigan, held an anti-Americananti-
Israel demonstration. Protesters carried a large model of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa
Mosque and waved signs bearin g slogan s such as "US HandsOff Muslim Land"
But the most arresting image was that of twoMuslimwomen carrying large signs
featuring the face of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The following month, the
Metroplex Organization of Muslims in North Texas held a "Tribute to the Great
Islamic Visionary," Ayatollah Khomeini, in Irving, Texas, a suburb of Dallas.
Khomei ni, a hero? In the Unite d State s? For Muslims in Ameri ca to revere him
was revealing, for Khomeini's-1979 triumph in Iran embodies the idea that Islamic
law was superiorto all others and must be pressedby force. As Khomein i himself
put it, "Islam makes it incumbe nt on all adult males, provided they are not
disabled or incapacitated, to preparethe msel ves for the conq ues t of coun tri es
so tha t the writ of Isla m isobeyed in every country in the world. „. But those
who study Islam